
Article | 5 min |
What type of investor are you? Do you prefer to play it safe? Are you looking to take more risks? Do you dive into market research, or do you trust your gut? Let’s find out... What if we told you your investment strategy likely parallels your personality? Your day-to-day decision-making is a great "jumping-off point" for determining what type of investor you are. Aligning your investment strategy with your personality can theoretically help you make the best decisions possible. After all, if you're not one to take unnecessary risks in life, why would you do so with your money? Let's explore...
Article | 5 min |
Nurturing your investments has never been more important than what it is today. After the turbulence of the past few years, ensuring some stability and finding an adequate growth path is essential. One aspect that can play havoc with your investments is inflation. Read more here on how to navigate the inflation waters to best care for your investments. If you’ve ever asked yourself “how does inflation affect my investments?” in this uncertain inflationary period, you’re certainly not alone. Americans across the country are wondering how current conditions might affect their holdings. Not all...
We all know that when inflation falls, so do interest rates, and then when inflation trends upward, interest rates rise to fight back. But the relationship between inflation and interest rates runs deeper than simple supply and demand and investors would do well to understand the parallels and recognize the red flags. Read more here to see how to safeguard your assets. As inflation surpasses 40-year highs in the United States, it’s important to understand its relationship with rising interest rates, and the effect it could have on your investments. Inflation and interest rates tend to move in...
Article | 3 min |
Three Ways to Reduce Risk When Making Online Purchases In these uncertain times, there are lots of fraudsters trying to take advantage of you. One of the areas being targeted is online fraud. Fraudsters are trying to steal your personal information so it’s important you protect yourself. Here are three steps you can take to reduce your risk when purchasing products and services online. Only purchase things from websites that you visit frequently Fraudsters may send you emails or messages telling you to visit a new website for an amazing offer. Often, these offers are too good to be true and...
Article | 4 min |
Grow Your Savings By Separating Accounts Whether you’re great at managing your money or bad at it, chances are that you have room for improvement. Accelerate your savings goals while staying on top of routine expenses when you establish two different accounts for your spending and savings. Unique Benefits of Each Type of Account Both accounts have distinct characteristics with the main difference being the accessibility of your funds. Checking accounts typically earn no or little interest, so they’re more conducive for withdrawing money and paying bills. Another bonus is that they tend to have...