
Article | 4 min |
Easy Financial Education Exercises For Your Kids Putting your children on the path to making good financial decisions is one of the best ways to set them up for success later in life. It is never too early, or too late, to teach them the value of money and how to save for a rainy day. Below are some suggestions to help get you started. Teach Them to Budget An allowance can be a great first step in showing your kids how to manage money. Practice makes perfect, after all. If they blow their allowance on a new toy and don't have enough left to get ice cream, that can actually a good thing. This...
Article | 4 min |
Simple tips to save money every day Small changes you implement into your daily life can make a big impression on your financial health. If you’re looking for ways to save money every day without committing to a major financial overhaul, consider the following tips. Take a Closer Look Before you start saving, it’s a good idea to get a clear picture of what you’re spending each month. Examine your bills and track everything you’re buying for 30 days, recommends The Balance writer Paula Pant. The month-long review will help you understand your money habits and allow you to set a better budget...
Article | 5 min |
Scammers look to take an advantage whenever they can and a popular method is to take over an email account. This can be very unnerving, but it’s important to take action immediately after you recognize that your email account has been hacked. Follow these steps to get your email account back in order: Change Password It’s crucial to change your password immediately. Fraudsters may have cracked your previous password and now have it. Changing it prevents them from getting back in. The more complex the password, the better. Use a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters to strengthen your...