Blog Post
A mass-scale response to the dangers and uncertainties of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Great Resignation have left many scrambling to slow their attrition rate and shape employee retention plans to insulate themselves from the fallout. Businesses need to reconsider their retention policies and...
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In times of uncertainty, fact-driven, long-term planning is imperative for business owners. Understanding what experts are forecasting about the 2022 fresh produce growing season could increase profits for those in AgriBusiness. Every economic sector has felt the sting of the ongoing supply chain...
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Managing a restaurant franchise in 2022 is like a high-wire juggling act. There are so many pieces to keep an eye on, and one wrong step can send an entire service crashing. As eating out resurges, one of the smartest moves you can make is to alleviate staffing concerns. Quick-service restaurants...
Blog Post
With supply chain issues expected to persist through the coming year, winemakers worldwide should get a head start on glass, label, and cork orders for this and next year's harvests. Many wine producers have shifted from just-in-time to just-in-case model in order to combat the glass shortage. After...
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With self-driving cars and self-remembering kiosks also on the horizon, QSR franchise leaders must seriously consider investing in upcoming automation trends to save on rising labor costs. Several Asian countries have embraced technology in their respective QSRs. Exacerbated by challenges across the...
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When it comes to supply chain sourcing, the goal is to move products as quickly and efficiently as possible. Reevaluating current supply chain trends creates a domino effect for business owners. They'll need to adjust cash flow, cash reserves, and their overall balance sheet to accommodate increased...
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As more companies embrace advances in manufacturing automation, those who refuse to change may find themselves left behind. However, investment in these new technologies comes with its own hurdles. Read more about this trend and strategies to assess potential automation investments. Even as the US...
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As the supply chain slowly pieces itself back together, logistics and trucking companies should continue seeing gradual demand increases, in the midst of a truck driver shortage. With an optimistic forecast for 2022, what does the future look like for logistics—and trucking in general? While every...
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The trucking industry is short-handed and the need for alternative solutions is at an all-time high. Rising fuel prices and inflation rates have only exemplified the need for electric semi-trucks and autonomous vehicles. Experts believe the self-driving future is just over the horizon—so now is the...
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When operating a successful business, understanding what impacts cash flow within your organization is key. Below are several areas to help monitor your cash flow, and provide guidance on how to fix issues over time. By considering the following, you will be able to respond to changes in a timely...
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As the global economy enters a post-Covid age, rising inflation rates have QSR franchisees on edge. As unpredictable labor shortages and supply chain bottlenecks abound, QSR franchisees need to rely on the wisdom of their most trusted financial partners to weather the storm. Find out what realistic...
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Unfortunately, it’s no longer a matter of “if,” but rather “when” payments fraud will impact your business. As you look at your payment strategy, does it minimize your risk to fraud? Like many businesses, your strategy may be highly focused on check payments, the most compromised payment type. Sixty...